Printing, Saving, and Exporting Reports

Print, save, or export your reports to a spreadsheet.

From the Reports home page, click the type of Report you want to print. The Class Progress Report page appears.

The links, Print, Save as PDF, and Export (CSV) appear top right. From any Reports page displaying those links, print, save, or export the Report information on that page.

To Print a Report

  1. From the Reports home page, click the type of Report you want to print. The Class Progress Report page appears.

  2. To print a Class, Assignment, or Student report, follow the instructions on the page for viewing that type of Report.

  3. Click Print.

A Print dialog window appears.

  1. Follow the instructions in the Print dialog window.

To Save a Report as a PDF

Save any report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. These files preserve formatting and font information. Read them in Adobe Acrobat Reader and edit them using the full Adobe Acrobat product.

  1. From the Reports home page, click the type of Report you want to print.

The Class Progress Report page appears.

  1. To save a Class, Assignment, or Student report, follow the instructions on the page for viewing that type of Report.

  2. Click Save as PDF.

The report appears as a PDF in a browser window.

  1. Click Save a Copy.

A dialog window opens.

  1. Navigate to the location on your computer where you want to save the file and click Save.

Note: Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To Export a Report

Export any report as a  Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file, and import your report into a spreadsheet program or database. Consult your spreadsheet documentation for information on how to import CSV files.

  1. To export a Class, Assignment, or Student report, follow the instructions on the page for viewing that type of Report.

  2. Click Export (CSV).

A dialog window opens.

  1. Navigate to the location on your computer where you want to save the file and click Save.