Import Class Roster

This is a complete example of Download Example file.
This table identifies the name of each column and explains the data that need to be entered for each.
This field contains... This field is for
entering the...
The paramaters for this data are...
Session Id
Course Session Id This was created in class creation or the class descriptor file.
Student Username Unique Student ID of the Student to be enrolled in the class This was created in the Student Import spreadsheet
Activate Indicator that this Record should be set to Active or Inactive Accepted values are A to activate the Teacher/Student/Roster or I to make the Teacher/Student/Roster inactive
  • Red text indicates a required field
  • The first line is a header row and will not be processed
  • Save the file as a .csv file
    • Ensure you are on the page with your data (not the directions)
    • You will be warned that this will only save the page you are on; this is all right
  • Perform a final review of the import file using Notepad for Windows and TextEdit for Macs