Importing Scores

You may create tests in ExamView and administer the test either online in Holt Online Assessment (HOAP) or score them offline in ExamView using a scanner and "bubble" sheets.

Importing Tests scores is only available as an option after tests have been published and associated in HOAP, creating Teacher Uploaded Tests as an Assignment category. (Please see Uploading Tests for more information)

Create the Import File using ExamView Test Manager:

  1. Open ExamView Test Manager.

  1. Highlight the class into which you want to scan scores. Select Assignments from the top-level menu, then click on Get Results from and select the Scanner option. ExamView will launch a popup to enable you to scan your students' scores directly into ExamView Test Manager using an Apperson 1250 or EZData scanner.

  1. After scanning scores into ExamView Test Manager, select File from the top-level menu and then click the Export option.

  1. Choose Export -> Assignment as XML option. Save the file to a location on your hard drive or network drive.
    Note: For successful imports, please ensure the ExamView Assignment name matches the HOAP Resource name, created when you originally published/associated this test into HOAP.

Once results are scanned into your ExamView Assignment and you've created the Assignment Results XML file, you're ready to Import Scores into HOAP!

  1. From the Holt Online Learning My Subscriptions page, click Assessment. The Holt Online Assessment Welcome page appears, then click on Assignments.

  1. Select your Class and Book from the dropdown menus on the Assignments page. Then select Category-> Teacher Uploaded Tests from the dropdown menu under Assignment category.

  1. Your Assignable Content page will display any Teacher Uploaded Tests available in your Resource list. If you have Teacher Uploaded Tests, the "Import Scores" link will appear in the Resource table row.

  1. Click on the "Import Scores" link on the Resource row that contains the correct test assignment.

  1. HOAP will launch a popup window, enabling you to Browse to the correct file or Cancel the importing scores process. When you click the Browse button, your computer's File Manager will allow you to navigate to the correct scores file. Click on the filename and then click on the Import button to upload file.

  1. Some browsers may allow you to navigate out of the "Import Scores" popup window. For successful importing, please do not click outside the popup area -- the popup will close automatically after your file has been uploaded to the HOAP server.

Viewing Import Status, Errors and Import Status page

  1. Status information and/or error messages will be available to you from your Assignable Content screen as your file is processed into HOAP. If "Errors" are present, you will be able to click a "View Import status: Errors" link to access a list of reasons why your import file did not process correctly.

  1. Completed imports will be viewable as completed assignments in your View All Assignments Made page. Click on the ""View Import Status"" link to view all importe皜 scores files.

  1. Clicking on the "View Import Status" page will display a table showing you your Resource name, time of upload, number of students scanned, and the status of your import. If Errors occurred, simply click on the "View Errors" link under the Status cloumn for a viewable/printable list of import errors.

Common Errors in Importing Scores

  1. Error: Changing the name of the Assignment in ExamView after the test has been published to HOAP under another Resource name will cause an error.
    Solution: After modifying a test in ExamView, republish/associate the test in HOAP before administering the test to your students.

  1. Error: Clicking outside the Importing Scores popup may cause the upload process to terminate.
    Solution: Please wait until the popup closes automatically after it completes uploading the file to the server.

  1. Error: Using special characters, such as #,%,*, or ! may cause your upload to fail.
    Solution: Please only use underscores, letters and integers in your filenames.

  1. Error: Students in your Class Roster in HOAP may not have Student IDs (not a required field), while ExamView Class Roster require a Student ID and will assign one to your class in that application.
    Solution: Assign Student IDs in your Class Roster in HOAP and then match the Students in ExamView to those same ID numbers.

  1. Error: HOAP currently allows for alphanumeric Student IDs in Student Profile, however, scanning and bubble sheets can only accept NUMERIC ONLY IDs.
    Solution: Assign Students in your Class Roster in HOAP numeric only Student IDs and then match the Students in ExamView to those same ID numbers.

  1. Error: Changing the ExamView test without re-publishing the test to HOAP before administering the test may cause the import process to fail, because of a mismatch of number of questions or question types.
    Solution: Always republish/associate ExamView tests in HOAP before administering the test and importing scanned scores.

  1. Error: Bubble sheet can only accept multiple choice or multiple response types of questions. Other types of questions, such as Matching, Short-Answer, or Numeric question types may cause problems with your ability to scan scores, import scores and report on them in HOAP.
    Solution: Only create tests with multiple choice or multiple response question types before publishing/associating the test in HOAP and then administering the bubble sheets to your students.

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